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5 Ways To Get Your Heartrate up When You Have No Time to Workout

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

You want to get your workout in, but you have such a busy day planned. Getting your kids off to school or even having them home with for virtual school. Back to back meetings for work. Helping with homework. Then, dinner, errands, stuff around the house. Sound familiar? How are you supposed to fit a workout in? Sometimes you can't. There are ways to keep moving and get your heartrate up without getting 30-45 mintues on the treadmill or doing a workout class. Here are 5 ways to keep moving.

1-Take the Stairs- Whenever stairs are available, choose to use them. Walk briskly if you can. If there is an escalator, walk it. If you are home, walk up and down the stairs for anything you need. It is a great way to get your heart up and work the muscles in your lower body. Take as many trips as you can to reap the benefits!

2. Walk the Dog or Take a Walk with Friends or Family- If the dog needs a walk, offer to take them. Just a quick walk for 10 minutes can get your heart rate up, especially if there are hills. No dog? Walk with your kids, spouse, friends, anyone! A quick walk is great exercise and it's great for everyone to get outside.

3. Walk instead of Drive or Park Father Away- If you have anywhere to go, see if you can walk instead of drive. If not, park farther away from your destination to give you some walking time.

4. Do Chores- Laundry, sweeping, vaccuming, washing dishes, picking up toys are all ways to burn calories. Keep yourself busy rather than sitting around. You will burn plenty of calories and your house will be clean!

5. Try to Get in 10 Minute Workouts In- Evidence shows that quick 10 minute workouts performed at moderate to high intensity can make a huge difference in your health and fitness level. If you do 3 of these in a day, you get in your full 30 minutes!!

Bottom line- Our lives are hectic and sometimes we are too busy to fit in a full workout. You can be creative and keep your heart rate up if you just keep moving. Just because you are working at home or in the office, does not mean you need to sit all day. Remind yourself to get up and move around.

Move more.....sit less.

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