If you are looking for an exercise that helps to stablize your core , works your entire body and improves your posture, the plank is a great exercise to try! You can do planks anywhere and you don't need any equipment.
How long do you need to hold a plank for? To reap the benefits of a plank, it is not necessary to hold it for more than 20-30 seconds. When you are first beginning, your core may not be strong enough to hold it for that long. That's okay. You will work up to it in time. It is recommended to do planks 3-4 times a day and they are okay to do everyday.
It is very important to focus on good form when doing a plank or you can injure your back.
Below is the correct way to do a low plank-or a "traditional" plank (resting on elbows):
First, on a mat, position your elbows directly under your shoulders and rest your forearms on the ground. Get up on your toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to toe.
Engage your core—think of pulling your belly button up to the ceiling—firing your glutes and quads and focusing on keeping the weight distributed evenly throughout your body.
Once you’re up, there are some important cues you should keep in mind: First, you keep your eyes down on the ground—look at a spot between your hands. This will stop you from cranking your neck up. Lengthen your back and keep your butt down. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades back and together. This will prevent your shoulders or upper back from rounding. If you tend to do this, you may feel the plank more in your shoulders than spread evenly throughout your body.
Lastly and very importantly, don't forget to BREATHE.
There are many different plank variations. Here are a few you can try:
High Plank-On hands (push up position)
Stack your hands under your shoulders. Make sure to lengthen your back, tighten your core and BREATHE! Form is really important on the plank. Keeping your core strong will help prevent your back and glutes from dropping down.
Commando Plank-Start in high plank position and drop to elbows, one at a time. Come back up to push up position.
Superman Plank-Start in pushup position. Lift one arm straight out off the floor and in front of you. Lift the opposite leg off the floor and straight out. Count to 5 and switch. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Kickback Plank- Start in high plank or low plank position. Tighten core. Lift one leg up and then the other. Squeeze glutes as you lift. Remember to breathe. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
Elbow Touch Plank- Start in high plank position. Lift one hand to touch opposite elbow and repeat on other side. 10 reps on each side.
Walkout Plank-Start in a standing position. Bring hands down to the floor and walk out into a pushup position. Walk back up into standing position. Repeat 10 times.
Side Plank-Start in side laying position resting on elbow. Lift hip off of the floor so you will be resting on elbow and side of foot. Hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides.
Side plank w/rotation-Side plank position but in high plank on hand. Get down to push up position and switch sides. Repeat 10 times.
Knee Touch Plank- Start in low plank position. Bring one knee to touch the floor and switch. Repeat 10 times with each knee.
Step out planks-Start in high plank position. Think of a walk out plank jack. Step out one leg to the side touching toe to the floor. Bring it back to starting position and step out the other leg. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
To view images of each plank and for more on exercise and nutrition, follow me on instatgram!