Weight loss is tough! It seems it is so easy to gain, yet so hard to lose. We don't have to think much about gaining. Just eat more and move less. Easy. Now, for weight loss, we need to think and work a little (or a lot) harder for results. If you are struggling with weight loss, I recommend trying the "3 P's"! What are they you ask?? Planning, Portions and Positive Attitude!!
Planning-Weight loss takes lots of planning. Making a plan for meals and snacks ahead of time, can help you with make healthier choices. A couple suggestions on how to do this:
-You can plan for the week on Sundays, and even make dinners and freeze them. You can also pack snacks for "on the go", so you are prepared when hunger strikes.
-If you use a food tracker, you can enter in your meals and snacks for the day in the morning, to see how it lays out. Are you over in calories? If so, do you need to cut back or just add more activity into your day? How about your macros? Are you well balanced with your protein, fat and carbs? You should also look at your sugar and sodium, to make sure they are not too high vs your target.
Portions-This is a huge one for weight loss! Planning and portioning go hand in hand. When you are planning, you can portion meals. This is so helpful to keep you on track. Weighing and measuring your food even for a short time is a great way to get a better idea of poriton size. Ths is especially important for empty calories like pastries, chips and candy. It's okay to eat some, unhealthy foods, but you should stick with a portion. If you eat out of the package, you can't really control how much you are eating. I suggest taking the portion out that you plan for and you are less likely to overeat that food. Food trackers can help with this as well. You can put in your portion and then make sure you are sticking to that portion when the time comes to eat.
Positive Attitude-Keeping a positive attitude is key to weight loss. If you constantly get down on yourself, you are more likely to give up. Trying to stay positive about acheiving your goals, can help you stick with it and feel better about it. Even if you have days where you lapse, keep your positive thoughts that you will do better tomorrow. Rather than just focus on the scale, think about what makes you feel good about what you are doing. Do you have more energy? Do your clothes fit better? Do you feel stronger? Overall, do you just feel better?
Try to focus on the "3 P's and see if it is helpful for you!!