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How to be more Mindful

Life can be hectic. Work, family, kids, appointments, errands, pets, workouts and sometimes even some time to be social. It’s tough to stop and take a minute for ourselves. Where are my keys? I can’t find my glasses. What time was I supposed to pick up the kids? It’s hard to keep it all straight. We are pulled in so many different directions and multi tasking just to try and get it all done. It can be very stressful on our mind and bodies.

Stop. Take a minute to be mindful. Here are some tips that may help you throughout the day which should calm you a bit amidst all of the chaos.

  1. Breathe! Take a minute for yourself when you are overwhelmed and just close your eyes and breathe. Sometimes you just need to take a break.

  2. Focus on one task at a time. Although we multitask, most of us cannot do more than one task at a time well. Finish what you started before you move onto the next if you can. If you are not able to, jot down where you were on your last task to remind you when you go back to it.

  3. Keep a list. Cross out or remove items as you complete them.

  4. Put down your device. Just sit and daydream or take time to think. Our minds don’t always have to be on speed drive. Pick a time each day to scroll through social media and than be done. You won’t miss much.

  5. Enjoy your family, pets, friends or whatever hobby makes you happy each day. Unwind from it all and embrace the moment.

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