Although you may not always have time to exercise, you can increase activity by making the right choices during your day. Here are 10 tips that will keep you more active throughout the day.
Invest in a step tracker or use your phone to track your steps. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Keep the reminder setting on to get you up and walking every hour.
Don’t look for the closest parking spot. Park further and walk.
Take the steps instead of the elevator. If on an escalator, walk up if no one is blocking your path.
If you have a dog, walk it!
If you have a desk job, get up and walk around every hour. Muscles get tight from sitting all day. It’s good to stretch!
Try to alternate standing and sitting at your desk.
If you have kids, walk around the block with them and ask about their day or whatever it is that they would like to talk about.
Being physically active with your family and/or friends. Find an activity that everyone enjoys.
If you need something, go get it yourself instead of asking someone to get it for you.
If on a conference call, walk around while talking. If you have a lunch meeting, see if you can make it a walk vs sitting at lunch.