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Taking care of "YOU"

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

When I work with clients, they often tell me that they don't always make time for breakfast, to pack a lunch, to excercise or do something for themselves. This leads to poor nutrition, lack of activity and a lack of time for any self care. This is a common theme due to busy lifestyles, small children and just putting yourself on the bottom of the priority list.

Most of the time, you don't even realize that it's happening. When you do, it's time to do something about it and start caring for you. If you care for yourself, it will help to make you a better parent, friend and spouse. We all need time for ourselves both mentally and physically so that we can be the best version of ourselves.

How do we do this? We have a lot do and a lot of people depending on us. We need to take a step back and reflect. Think about your day and ask yourself some questions.

  1. Did you eat breakfast?

  2. Did you pack a lunch?

  3. Did you pack some healthy snacks?

  4. Did you make time for activity?

  5. Did you make time to do something for you? Meditation? Reading a chapter of a book? Take a nice, long shower?

  6. Have you splurged on yourself this month? A massage? Manicure? Getting your hair done?

  7. Do you have a hobby that you regularly make time for? Painting, cooking, gardening? If not, is there something that you would like to try?

Take some time and think about these things. If the answer is no to all or none of these questions, it's time to make a change. We are all busy, but there are changes we can make to take time for ourselves. Here are some ideas:

  1. Make a list and go to the grocery store! Think about meal planning. Breakfast, lunch, dinner ad healthy snacks.

  2. If you don't take time for breakfast, wake up a little earlier, You can prepare ingredients the night before so that you have it ready for the morning. You can even pack it up the night before if you need to eat on the go.

  3. Pack up lunch and some healthy snacks the night before as well.

  4. Involve kids or your spouse in the planning process. They can help and you can all benefit from it.

  5. Plan a workout into your day, just like you would anything else. It can be 3-10 minute workouts. Just get your blood flowing and your heart pumping!!

  6. Get a sitter or ask your spouse, parents, in-laws, friends etc to watch the kids once a week or even once a month, so you can go do something you enjoy. We often have trouble asking for this. You can offer to do something in return for it. Trade time with your spouse to watch the kids so that each of you gets some time to do something.

  7. If your kids are old enough, set some boundaries. "This is your quiet time for 30 minutes while I have my quiet time. After our quiet time, we can do something you want to do together. "

  8. Learn to say "no" I realize that's tough, but sometimes you need to think about yourself and whether it's feasible to do what someone is asking for. If not, just explain that you don't have time right now.

  9. Think about a hobby that you enjoy or would like to try. Give yourself some time each month to do it. Whether taking a lesson, going to a class or whatever you would like to do-DO IT!!

  10. Don't overthink everything. You should not feel guilty for making time for yourself. It is important for your mental and physical health. It will help to make you less resentful for not taking the time. When you have time for yourself, you will enjoy the time with others more.

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